Optional features – RIDGID SeekTech SR-20 User Manual
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Ridge Tool Company
Tools For The Professional
seekTech sR-20
Optional Features
Optional Features in the Display Elements Menu include:
Race Track and Watermark
This provides an additional, visual way to track the maximum
signal. If you are trying to trace a line by noticing its highest
Signal Strength level, Watermark serves as a visual aid.
No-Signal Icon (Suppression)
Center Signal Strength Option
Selecting this option in the Menu Selection screen will force
the number representing Signal Strength to be displayed in
the center of the display area anytime when a Proximity Signal
is not available.
Proximity Threshold Control
This helps to constrain the locating to a certain range from
the instrument. If the Measured Depth of the target is greater
than the user-selected threshold value, the Proximity Signal
will read zero. If the Measured Depth is less than the threshold
that has been set, the SR-20 will display a Proximity Signal
value. (Line Trace Mode only.)
Figure 33: Proximity Threshold Control
When it is activated, the Proximity Threshold is controlled
by a long press (greater than ½ second) on the Up Key to
set a higher threshold, or by the Down Key to lower the
The settings on the Proximity Threshold control the depth
thresholding of the Proximity Signal as follows.
(Lowest) Signal Strength mode. Moves Signal Strength to
screen center, map display suppressed, allows negative
depth to display. Audio signal reflects Signal Strength.
(1 m/3 m/10 m/30 m) Displays Proximity Threshold for
detections where Measured Depth is Xm or less.
(Highest) Wide-open Proximity Mode. No threshold, no
suppression, allows negative depth display.
The Proximity Threshold Control is particularly valuable if
you need to eliminate signals from outside a well-defined
distance for clarity.
Signal Focus Control
The Signal Focus Control feature essentially acts something
like a magnifying glass on the signal. It reduces the sample
bandwidth of the signal that the receiver examines, and gives
a display based on a more sensitive read of the incoming
signals. The tradeoff in using the Signal Focus Control setting
is that the display, while more precise, will update more slowly.
The Signal Focus Control can be set at 4 Hz (wide), 2 Hz, 1 Hz,
.5 Hz, and .25 Hz (narrow). The narrower the selected
bandwidth used, the greater detection distance and precision
the receiver will show, but with a lower update rate of data
on the display.
Figure 34: Signal Focus Control
When it is selected on, the Signal Focus Control is changed
to narrower or wider settings using the Up (narrower) and
Down (wider) Keys.
Signal Focus Control is useful when you need to focus in on a
particular signal with detail.
Sound Muting > 99’
This option enables the automatic muting of the sound
when the Measured Depth is greater than the setting of the
Proximity Threshold setting.
Tracing Line Response
The Tracing Line distortion response checkbox sets the
sensitivity of the Target Line’s distortion display to low,
medium, or high, or disables it altogether. The higher the
setting, the more sensitive the “distortion cloud” around the
Tracing Line becomes.
If the distortion response is disabled, the Tracing Line will
become a single solid line.
Frequencies Selection Control
Additional available frequencies on the Master Frequency
Menu can be added to the Main Menu list of available
frequencies by going to the Frequency Selection Control
and selecting the desired mode.
Highlight the category of the desired frequency (Figure 35).
Press the Select Key
Signal Focus