RIDGID SeekTech SR-20 User Manual

Page 11

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Ridge Tool Company


Tools For The Professional


seekTech sR-20

Figure 20: Tracing Line Showing High Distortion

Use the Guidance Arrows, Proximity Number, Signal

Strength, and Tracing Line to guide the line trace. These

pieces of information are generated from discrete signal

characteristics to help the operator understand the quality

of the locate. An undistorted signal emitted from a line is

strongest directly over that line. (Note: Unlike the Signal

Trace lines, the guidance arrows require that the user orient

the locator so that the guidance arrows point 90 degrees to

the Signal Trace line. (See Figure 21).

5. Note that an undistorted line will also be clear

rather than blurred on the screen, and the sound

accompanying the image will have no “static” in it.

6. Confidence in the accuracy of a locate can be

increased by maximizing the Proximity Signal (and/

or Signal Strength), balancing the Guidance Arrows

and centering the Tracing line on the screen. Confirm

a locate by testing whether the Measured Depth

reading is stable and reasonable. (See page 12.)

Figure 21: High Probability Locate

WARNING: Care should be taken to watch for signal

interference that may give inaccurate readings. The

Tracing Line is only representative of the position of the

buried utility if the field is UNDISTORTED. Do NOT base a

locate solely on the Tracing Line.

Always cross check the locate by ensuring that:

• The Tracing Line shows little or no distortion response


• The Proximity Signal and the Signal strength maximize

when the Tracing Line crosses the map center.

• The Measured Depth increases appropriately as the

unit is raised vertically and the Tracing Line remains


Measured Depth readings should be taken as estimates

and actual depths should be independently verified by

potholing or other means prior to digging.

As always, the only way to be certain of the location of a

utility is through visual confirmation by exposing the utility.

The accuracy of position and depth measurement improves

as the SR-20 lower antenna node is placed closer and closer

to the target utility. Rechecking the Measured Depth and

position periodically during the excavation process can help

avoid damage to a target utility and may identify additional

utility signals that were not noticed prior to excavation.

When line tracing, it is important to remember that tees,

curves, other conductors in the vicinity, and nearby masses of

metal can add distortion to the field, requiring closer scrutiny

of the data to determine the true path of the target utility.

See below for tips on improving the signal.

Circling the last location of a clear signal at a distance of

about 20 feet (6.5 m) can clarify if the distortion is coming

from a local turn or tee in the line, and enable the operator to

again pick up the line nearby.

If the signal is clear, the SR-20 will often show a straight

signal line with very little distortion right up to a 90-degree

tee, show a small amount of distortion as it follows around

the curve, and then show a clear signal again as it resumes

its travel after the tee. It shows very clearly when the line is


Tracing Line

Tracing Line