Xantrex Technology XMP 2600 User Manual
Page 54

Using the front panel
Viewing status information
Displayed data
m wv wc t ERR nnn
m..............operating mode:
blank ...voltage mode
M.........current mode
F ..........foldback
wv ............window voltage warning:
blank ...no warning
LV .......low voltage
HV.......high voltage
wc ............window current warning:
blank ...no warning
LC .......low current
HC.......high current
t ................over temperature
ERR nnn..error with error code nnn
s fault t ERR nnn
s................open sense lines:
blank ...no fault
mode ...operating mode (see above)
S..........open sense fault
fault.........fault indication:
blank ...no fault
warn ....window warning (see
*OVP* over voltage protection
*OCP* over current protection
t ................over temperature
ERR nnn
error with error code nnn
More information on the power modules and their setup is available
in the setup operating mode chapter. Please refer to the power
supply setup chapter for more information.
XMP 2600 User’s Guide
rev. 1.0