Ow to set the location and selective shutdown, Iewing module, S controller information – Xantrex Technology XMP 2600 User Manual

Page 107: How to set the location and selective shutdown, Viewing module’s controller information

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Power module setup

Power Supply setup

In case several power modules are feeding the same load (or inter-dependant loads),
it may be desirable to have other power modules shutdown as well.

To setup this feature, each of the XMP’s power modules is defined to be either
dependant or independent on other power modules.

There are three shutdown categories available for each power module:

Single shutdown ............. only the power module that detected a fault is

shutdown. Other power modules are not affected.

Group shutdown ............. the power module that detected the fault and all

other power modules that are defined for a group
shutdown, are shutdown.

Global shutdown ............ when the power module is shutdown due to a

fault, all the other power modules are shutdown
as well.

A severe error condition detected by one of the INTERNAL power
modules will cause the XMP’s main converter to shutdown. If any
of the INTERNAL Power Modules is defined as GLOBAL
SHUTDOWN then a global shutdown will be performed as well.

How to set the location and selective shutdown

To set the power module’s location and selective shutdown behavior proceed as

Make sure the display is in setup mode.
Select the power module (move the cursor to the condensed status
symbol of the power module) using the LEFT / RIGHT selection keys.
Press either the UP or the DOWN selection key. The upper row of the
display will show a confirmation question: “GROUP=NO?”.

o Using the UP / DOWN selection keys change the displayed

message to read: “GROUP=YES?”.

o Press the ENTER key to proceed (any other key to abort). The

display’s upper row will show the current power module location
and selective shutdown choice.

Using the UP / DOWN selection keys select the desired

combination of location (internal / external) and selective
shutdown (single / group / global).

Press the DEL key for the default of INTERNAL, SINGLE


Press the ENTER key to end the selection process.





Identification and other useful power module information are available when the
power module is selected in setup mode.


XMP 2600 User’s Guide

rev. 1.0