Bluetooth, Blu eto ot h – VTech LS5145 User Manual
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Glossary of terms
Below are some terms used n ths user’s manual to help you become famlar wth usng your Bluetooth
devces and your new
LS5145 telephone system.
Active Devices list - A maxmum of two pared devces (two cell phones or one cell phone and one
headset) on the
Active Devices lst can be connected to the telephone base, but only one cell phone
or headset can be on a call at a tme.
Bluetooth cell phone - Refers to a Bluetooth enabled cell telephone.
CELL line - The communcaton servce provded through your Bluetooth enabled cell telephone.
Connected - A Bluetooth devce (cell phone or headset) can only be used when t s connected to
the telephone base. When a Bluetooth devce s connected to the telephone base and actve on the
Active Devices lst, t wll be ready for use.
Disconnected - An X n front of a devce on the Active Devices lst wll appear and a dagonal lne
wll appear across devces 1 and/or 2 n the con status bar when the correspondng Bluetooth devce
s dsconnected from the telephone base.
Discoverable mode - Before a Bluetooth devce can be pared, t must be set n ths mode. When
parng your cell phone, the telephone base wll be set n ths mode. When parng a headset, the
headset must be set n ths mode. Dependng on the manufacturer, ths mode s sometmes referred
to as
Find Me or Visibility.
HOME line - Your conventonal telephone land lne.
Paired Devices lst - Once Bluetooth devces have been pared wth the telephone base, they wll
appear on the
Paired Devices lst. A maxmum of eght devces can be pared wth the telephone
base, but only two can be on the Actve Devces lst.