Bai board, A-27 – Tektronix K1297-G20 User Manual
Page 127

Appendix A: Interfaces
K1297-G20 Monitor User Manual
BAI Board
The BAI board (Basic Access Interface) is required for measurements on
ISDN lines and connections. The BAI board can be fitted with up to two
interface modules depending on the purpose of application. The interface
modules establish the necessary different circuits dependent on the
interface standard.
NOTE. EN 60950, IEC 950, UL 1950: The interface boards are designed
for connecting to a telecommunication network (TNV-1 circuits); the
appropriate interfaces are provided.
The supply voltage necessary for supplying power to the terminal
equipment to be tested is supplied by a separate supply module, which is
plugged on the interface board and connected to the base module.
WARNING. High voltages may occur on the following supply connectors
and sockets: under “S
Simulation / Monitoring” with “TE A” or “TE M”,
“MON A B” or “MON M N”, “TE/NT B” or “TE/NT N”;
under “U
Simulation / active Monitoring” with “LT A” or “LT M”
and “NT/LT B” or “NT/LT N”.
With older front panels the following supply connectors and sockets are
concerned: “to NT”, “S-BUS MON”, “to TE(NT)”, “to LT”, “to NT(LT)”.
These older terms are marked in the following with old.