Play/pause and stop buttons, Controls for cd/dvd and digital audio, Cd/dvd control – Toshiba A40 Series User Manual

Page 100: Digital audio control, Writing cds on cd-rw/dvd-rom drive, Writing cds on cd-rw/dvd-rom drive -8, Writing cds on, Cd-rw/dvd-rom drive

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User's Manual






Play/Pause and Stop buttons

A single button on a rocker controls the Play/Pause and Stop functions. Press
on the icon to select the desired function.


Press the

icon to begin or pause play.


Press the icon to stop play.

Controls for CD/DVD and Digital Audio

CD/DVD control

Os is running and you press Play/Pause.

If an audio CD is in the opticalmedia drive,TOSHIBA Media Player starts and CD
audio play begins. If a DVD is in the optical media drive, the DVD Video player
starts and DVD Video play begins.

Digital Audio control

TOSHIBA Media Player starts and Digital Audio Data play begins.

Writing CDs on CD-RW/DVD-ROM

Depending on the type of drive installed, you may be able to write CDs. The CD-
RW/DVD-ROM drive lets you write as well as read CD-ROMs. Observe the
precautions in this section to ensure the best performance for writing CDs. For
information on loading and unloading CDs refer to the

Using optical media drives


NOTE: CD-R discs can be written to only once. CD-RW discs can be
rewritten many times.