Xlatefrom example – Nlynx ETU400 User Manual
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ETU400 User Guide 011603
Translating Data Files
The translation commands XLATEFROM and XLATETO translate files separately
from the transfer commands TO3XB and FROM3XB.
These commands can be initiated from the microcomputer that contains or
will contain the file, or from any host terminal. They can be run
interactively or in batch mode. To run them interactively, leave the JOBD
parameter blank.
There are two ways to submit the commands to batch; you can use the
AS/400 command SBMJOB, or submit the command to batch within the context
of the XLATEFROM and XLATETO commands by filling out the JOBD parameter.
If you use the SBMJOB command, leave the JOBD parameter blank.
Translating a Microcomputer File to a Host Format:
The XLATEFROM command translates a data file on the host after the file
has been received from the micro with the TO3XB command. You can use
XLATEFROM only if the TO3XB parameters were coded as shown:
filetype(*data), srcseq(*no), translate(*no)
For more information on the TO3XB command see Chapter 5, Transferring
Files, and Chapter 10, ETU Command Reference.
After the file is translated, it will be written to a different host
file, which you specify in the TOFILE parameter. The TOFILE can be an
existing file or a new file. For existing files, enter the names of the
file and the member. For new files, enter the new file and member names
(XLATEFROM will create these); the file type, (it can be a physical file
or a source physical file); and the source file and member containing the
file definition (DDS).
If you create a source physical file, you can have ETU add a 12-byte
source sequence number and date field to the beginning of each record.
This allows the record to be read by Source Entry Utility (SEU) after it
is translated. Specify *YES for the SRCSEQ parameter to add the sequence
number and date field.