Nlynx ETU400 User Manual
Page 159

ETU400 User Guide 011603
Comparison value
numeric value or
‘alphabetic value’
Entry program
program name
Library name
library name
Exit program
program name
Library name
library name
Display status message?
*NO or *YES
The PWRFROM3XB command performs all functions of the FROM3XB command: it
transfers files from the AS/400 to a micro and, optionally, translates
the data. It also offers:
• Record and field selection -- you may transfer selected fields and
records from a host file to the micro (FLDSEL, RECSEL).
• Multiple-device transfer -- a single host file may be sent to up to
ten micro-computers simultaneously. The micros involved in a file
transfer must be of the same platform, either DO based PC or Mac, but not
both (MICLST).
• Entry and exit programs -- user-defined programs can be specified to
execute before or after the transfer (ENTRYPGM, EXITPGM).
• Reusable request definitions -- The current request definition can be
saved for reuse at a later time (SAVRQS).
The record and field selection feature within the PWRFROM3XB
command will not work properly if you define one or more additional
Auxiliary Storage Pools on the AS/400. This is because ETU creates
temporary work files in library QTEMP, which is always located in
Auxiliary Storage Pool #1 (which comes with OS/400). If you create an
additional Auxiliary Storage Pool , ETU cannot create the work files
associated with the data file that is stored in any newly created
Auxiliary Storage Pools.
If you do create a new Auxiliary Storage Pool, you can simulate record
and field selection in a file transfer by creating a logical file or and
open query file.
The parameters for the PWRFROM3XB command are described below.
The file name of the AS/400 file to be transferred to the
Library name
The name of the library containing the host file
to transfer. The default, *LIBL, searches all
libraries in the user's library list.
Member name
The FRMFILE member name.
Transfers the member with the same
name as the FRMFILE file (the
Transfers all members from a
qualified file. *ALL is not valid
with *DIF translation.