Data description specifications – Nlynx ETU400 User Manual

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ETU400 User Guide 011603


Transferring Data to Host Files

When you transfer data to the host, you can transfer it to an existing

file, or to a new file, which ETU creates.

To transfer data to an existing file, supply the name of the existing

file, the library it resides in, and the member name. The data within the

file is defined using the existing file's definition.

To transfer data to a new file, supply the new file's name, the library

in which it will reside, the member name, and the file type. In addition,

you must define the file that ETU creates. There are two methods for

defining files. For externally described files, you must define the file

by creating Data Description Specifications (DDS). For non-externally

described files, such as text files, define the file by providing a

record length.

Record Length

For new host files that are not externally described, you must enter the

file's record length, in bytes, at the RECL prompt. For existing host

files, and new files defined with DDS specifications, the record length

should be zero (the default).

Host File Type

When you transfer a file to the host from the micro with the TO3XB or

PWRTO3XB commands, ETU will create the host file if the file doesn't

already exist. If ETU creates the host file, you must specify the type of

host file it is to be. ETU supports four host file types. They are:


A host physical file. The most common host file type.
*DATA is the default file type. To create a *DATA file,

you must specify a record length or define the file

using Data Description Specifications.


A *SAVE file permits micro files to be transferred to
the host without being translated. This allows you to

use the host as an off-line storage site for your micro

files. If you use *SAVE, you must specify record length

1024 and TRANSLATE (*NONE). To transfer a *SAVE file

back to the micro, use the FROM3XB command with



A source physical file is a file that can be read by
the AS/400 Source Entry Utility (SEU).


A file type that provides a means of storing AS/400
objects on line. To use *SAVF, RECL (record length)

must be 528 and TRANSLATE (*NONE).