Nlynx ETU400 User Manual
Page 307

ETU400 User Guide 011603
job). The ETU power commands are PWRDELETEB, PCFROMPC, PCTOPC,
When you are setting up an automated application on the AS/400 there are two mechanisms with
which to do this. There are CL scripts (called OCL scripts on the System 36) and batch files.
Batch commands are submitted to a job queue. The only batch commands that will work are the
translation commands, and the power commands, as identified above. See SBMBATXFER, and
CL scripts are created using SEU (STRSEU). To the AS400, CL scripts look like interactive
commands entered by the terminal that submits the CL script. They will work if the command line is
formatted correctly, but if they contain ‘interactive commands’; they will not work, if they are run from
a batch. It is recommended that the line be formatted and tested on a command line before
attempting to put it in a script. Some functions must be split into two separate OCL lines. Perform
the translation first, then do a transfer using reformat or type of translate = *NONE.
Macros run from the ES32 emulation software will work, but the scripting mechanism does
not interact, so it will not know when the file transfer is complete. So if ETU is used in a macro, it
needs to be the last command of the macro.
VWSAVRQS will rerun commands that you saved by saying *YES to the Save request definition
procedure. (You may need to do a
When you submit one of the commands listed above, answer the ‘Save request definition’
question with *YES. When you want to resubmit the command, type VWSAVRQS on a command
line to bring it up.
See page 9-17 and 10-56 of the ETU400 User Guide for specifics.
This command allows you to post a transfer from the AS/400 to a PC that has ES32 with ETU
enabled, and is at the signon screen. This command works with PWRFROM3XB, PWRTO3XB,
PCFROMPC, and PCTOPC. The PC that you are transferring to will be defined as the
See page 9-18 and 10-46 of the ETU400 User Guide for specifics.
This command allows you to schedule a transfer from the AS/400 to a PC that will have ES32 with
ETU enabled, and be at the signon screen, when the scheduled time occurs. The PC that you are
transferring to will be defined as the *REQUESTOR. This command works with any of the following