Translating files – Nlynx ETU400 User Manual
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ETU400 User Guide 011603
PGMTO3XB Example
In this example, you will transfer a program from one host system to
another host system. To do this, you would normally first transfer the
host program to a PC using the ETU command PGMFROM3XB. Assume, for this
example, that this step has already been done.
You will now transfer the program to a second host system using the
PGMTO3XB command. To do this, copy the PC file containing the host
program to a floppy diskette. Insert the diskette into a PC attached by
emulation to the second host, and start ETU.
The file on the PC is called a:\beta1.pgm. You will transfer it to a file
on the host called USERPGM in the QGPL library.
1. Choose option 5 from the ETU Main menu. The PGMTO3XB screen displays.
2. Enter the PC file name at the Qualified file name prompt:
3. Enter the name of the host file at the Program name prompt:
Use the default library name, QGPL.
4. Once you have entered the appropriate information, press ENTER and the
program will transfer to the host.
This concludes this chapter on how to transfer files between the host and
the PC. For more information on each command see Chapter 10, Command