Nlynx ETU400 User Manual
Page 144

ETU400 User Guide 011603
PCTOPC Command
Parameter description
Parameter name
Parameter values
Qualified file name
micro file name
Transfer from which
Device name(s) of
one or more
Transfer to which micro? MICLIST2
name of target
Save request definition? SAVRQS
*YES or *NO
Request name
Display status message?
*YES or *NO
The PCTOPC command transfers a file from one micro to one or more other
micros. All micros involved in a file transfer must be of the same
platform, either Mac or DOS-based PC, but not both.
The name of the micro file to be transferred. If you are
transferring a file from multiple micros, the file name,
including the path name, must be identical on each micro. For
additional information, see About Microcomputer Files in
Chapter 3.
The device name of the source micro. The default, *REQUESTER,
transfers the file from the micro to which you are currently
signed on. To transfer a file from a different micro, enter
the device name of that micro. (You must be authorized to use
the device you specify in this parameter, or the transfer
will fail.)
This parameter must be changed from *REQUESTER to the device
name of the source micro when you run the PCTOPC command in batch mode.
The device you specify must be powered on, have emulation loaded, and
have the AS/400 sign-on screen displayed.
The device name of the target micro(s). You can transfer the
file to up to ten micros. To transfer the file to more than
one micro, enter the device name of each micro. (You must be
authorized to use the device you specify in this parameter,
or the transfer will fail.) Enter a plus sign ( ) here and
press ENTER to display multiple prompts.
Each micro to which you transfer data must be powered on,
have emulation loaded, and have the AS/400 sign-on screen
Saves the current request definition so it can be used at a
later time. The request definition is this completed PCTOPC
command with the parameter values as you have specified them.
The default is *NO. To save the request definition, specify
*YES and enter the request name you desire.
Request Name
The name of the SAVRQS request definition. The
request name can be up to ten characters long.
(To recall the saved request, use the ETU command