Sample translation table – Nlynx ETU400 User Manual
Page 102

ETU400 User Guide 011603
End-of-File Action
This is identical to end-of-record action with one exception. This
function also completes translation and terminates the program.
Are printed in the translation table compiler listing.
There are five special records for the translation table compiler. These
records define what action is to be taken for end-of-record and end-of-
file for FROM3XB translation. On TO3XB translation, the special records
determine if trailing blanks or nulls should be omitted.
The *1 to *9 records specify additional TO HEX characters for end-of-
record and file processing. The five special records are defined as
*EOR statement -- If *EOR is coded in the FROM HEX area (positions 1-4),
this statement will define the action to be taken for a FROM3XB translate
upon reaching the end of the text in the record currently being
translated. Normally, this statement would be used to insert a CR/LF (hex
0D0A). If the *TRAIL statement has been specified, the end of record
condition is met when the remainder of the input record being processed
contains only the character specified in the TO HEX field of the *TRAIL
*EOF statement -- This statement defines the action to be taken upon end
of file on the file being translated. This can be used to write the end-
of-file character hex 1A in the record before closing the file to be sent
to the micro with the FROM3XB command.
The *EOF is coded in position 1 through 4 of the translation table
*TRAIL statement -- This statement specifies the trailing character to be
stripped in a FROM3XB translate, and the default pad character for a
TO3XB translate. *TRAIL is coded in positions 1 through 6 and the
trailing character (in hex) is coded in position 19 and 20. No other data
except comments is valid in this statement.
*1 - *9 -- These entries define additional End-of-Record and file TO HEX
characters. This statement is coded with the * in position 1 and the
number one through nine in position 2. The remainder of the FROM HEX
field (positions 3 through 18) must be blank. The only valid entries on
this statement are the TO HEX characters and comments.
Comment statements -- Comment statements can be included in the
translation table source by coding ** in positions 1 and 2.