Nlynx ETU400 User Manual

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ETU400 User Guide 011603


Transferring Data Files

The ETU commands FROM3XB and TO3XB transfer data files between the host

and a microcomputer.

Transferring Data Files From Host to a Microcomputer:

The FROM3XB Command

With the FROM3XB command, you can transfer and translate data from an

AS/400 physical, logical, or *SAVF file to a file on the micro.

To transfer a file using FROM3XB, specify the name of the host file you

want to transfer, the name of the microcomputer file to which it will be

transferred, and optionally, the translation information, which includes

the translation type, translation table, and file definition or record


If you are transferring a source physical file to the microcomputer, you

can remove the 12-byte sequence and date fields at the beginning of each

record by specifying *YES as the STRIP parameter. The sequence and date

fields are not used by microcomputers.

If you prefer not to have the data translated during the FROM3XB

operation, you can use the translation command XLATETO prior to using


If you translate the file with the XLATETO command, you must specify

TRANSLATE (*NONE) in the FROM3XB command. See Chapter 4, Learning About

ETU, for details about the translation types.

ETU supports off-line storage of micro-based data (via the TO3XB

command). To transfer a file residing on the host and containing off-line

micro-based data, specify *SAVE as the value in the FILETYPE parameter of

the TO3XB command (also specify *NONE for the value in the TRANSLATE


FROM3XB can be run only from the micro to which the file is to be

transferred. Figure 5-1 displays the FROM3XB prompt screen.

FROM3XB Example

Suppose there is a physical file on the host called SALES that contains a

member called USER1. The file was previously translated using the XLATETO

command. The Mac file is stored in a folder called STORE1 and is called

SALES. In this example, you will transfer this file to a Mac with no


1. Choose option 1 from the ETU Main menu. The FROM3XB screen displays.

2. Enter the host file name at the File name prompt:


Use the default, *LIBL, as the library name. *LIBL searches all

libraries in your library list for the specified file.