Nlynx ETU400 User Manual

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ETU400 User Guide 011603


Transferring Print Files

The ETU commands PRTFROM3X and PRTTO3X allow you to transfer print files

between the host and the microcomputer. Once the file is transferred to

the target system, you can print it on the target system's printer.

Mac users:

The commands PRTFROM3X and PRTTO3X work only with PC-DOS and

should not be used with the Mac.

Transferring a Host Spool File to a PC Print File:

The PRTFROM3X command allows you to transfer a host spool file to a PC so

it can be printed on the PC's printer. PRTFROM3X performs three

functions. First, it reformats a spool file into a physical file. Next,

it translates the physical file into ASCII so the file can be used on the

PC. Finally, it displays a transfer prompt screen, on which you specify

the name of the PC file to which you want the data transferred.

About Host Spool Files

Host spool files reside on output queues, waiting to be released to a

printer. They are stored in a format that is recognizable only to a host

printer. Before you can transfer a spool file to a PC, it must be changed

into a physical file with the AS/400 CPYSPLF command. You can run CPYSPLF

independent from, or as part of, the PRTFROM3X command.

To transfer a spool file to the PC, enter the name of the output queue on

which the spool file resides. When the output queue displays, specify

which spool file you want to transfer by entering either 1 or 2 next to

the file.

Entering 1 tells ETU to perform the AS/400 command CPYSPLF and translate

the file for the PC. You will then be prompted for a name of a file on

the AS/400 in which to temporarily store the data until you transfer it

to the PC (using the FROM3XB command).

Entering 2 next to the spool file tells ETU to perform the AS/400 command

CPYSPLF, translate the file for the PC, and prompt you for the PC file in

which to transfer the data.

NOTE: Always use the translation table member ETOA1 in file
TRANSLATE with this command. This table transfers spool files from EBCDIC