From3xb notes – Nlynx ETU400 User Manual

Page 140

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ETU400 User Guide 011603



The library containing the source for the translation tables.
*LIBL is the default.


The TRANSFILE member name. The default name is ETOA1, an
EBCDIC-to-ASCII table supplied with ETU. ETOA2 should be used

for fixed-length record translations.


The record length of the translation work file. Valid record
length entries are:


The record length of the FRMFILE file is used.


The record length for the translation work file.

If an ASCII fixed-record-length translation is to be

performed, specify *FILE to produce the desired file. If you

are not translating to ASCII fixed-length records, you may

specify any record length that could allow for better

performance by buffering the data.


Specifies the file that defines the file being transferred.
If the file being transferred was not externally defined and

the translation type is either *DIF, *TAB, or *BASICS, you

must specify a source physical file containing either

physical file data description specifications (DDS), or file

and input (F&I) specifications.

If the file being transferred was previously defined

with either DDS or F&I specifications, or is a *TEXT

translation type, use the default, *NONE, or its equivalent,



The FLDDEFFILE member name. You can enter the member name or
one of the following values:


Transfers the member with same name as the


Transfers the first member (arrival sequence)in
the file.


Transfers the last member (arrival sequence)in
the file.


The name of the micro file to contain the data from the
AS/400. For additional information, See About Microcomputer

Files in Chapter 3.


Saves the current request definition so it can be used at a
later time. The request definition is this completed FROM3XB

command with the parameter values as you have specified them.

The default is *NO. To save the request definition, specify

*YES and enter the request name you desire.

Request Name

The name of the SAVRQS request definition. The
request name can be up to ten characters long.

(To recall the saved request, use the ETU command