Nortel Networks Business Communications Manager (BCM) & Norstar Installation User Manual
Page 7
Chapter 1: Introduction
Page 7
* Windows critical updates are recommended but may not have been available for
testing at the date of software release
. Due to complex security and permission
settings on Win 2003 server, ConverTec may be unable to support these
installations. 128MB of memory must be added to the Console.NET Server for each
additional networked BCM system.
** Multiple BCM installations can be accomplished with a single LAN CTE client on
the same PC as the Console.NET server. LAN CTE client must be compatible with
all BCM’s.
Note: The above CPU & Memory requirements are recommended minimums.
Due to the nature of Console.NET being a real time browser application, the
system resources are primarily utilized by Windows Internet Explorer and can
potentially slow down other applications on the same computer. Based on
user demands, the minimums required may not be suitable.
Nortel BCM Requirements:
F Software release BCM50 / 3.6 / 3.7
F One LAN CTE Client License per BCM
F BCM Published IP address is accessible from the PC designated for Console.NET
Telephone Subscription Services:
Caller ID Number service from your local telephone company, ( required for Call
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Nortel Norstar Requirements:
F CICS/MICS software release 1.1 or greater
F * One CTA 100/ Norstar system connected
Norstar CTE software is included with Console.NET CD-ROM
Telephone Subscription Services:
Caller ID Number service from your local telephone company, (required for Call
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