Nortel Networks ICS 6.1 User Manual
Page 112
P0603536 02
Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record
•••• Protocol
•••• PrivNetId
••• Discon timer
Specify the duration of an Open Switch Interval for a Trunk Cartridge.
••• Answer timer
Select the minimum duration, in seconds, of an answer signal before a call is
considered to be answered, for an E&M trunk cartridge.
•• CO fail
Select the carrier failure standard used by your T1 service provider.
This setting only appears for DTIs.
•• I/F levels
Interface levels defaults to the ISDN loss plan setting.
Check with your telecommunications service provider to find out the I/F level
of your connection:
• digital network loss treatment (ISDN I/F levels)
• analog network loss treatment (PSTN I/F levels)
•• Framing
Use to select the framing format used by your T1 service provider.
This setting only appears for DTIs.
•• Internal CSU
Use to turn the internal TI channel service on or off.
The channel service unit gathers performance statistics for your T1 lines.
•• CSU line bld
Use to set the gain level of the transmitted signal.
This setting only appears for DTIs that have their internal CSU turned on.
•• DSX1 bld
Use to set the distance between the ICS and an external channel service unit.
This setting only appears for DTIs that have their internal CSU set to Off.
•• Line coding
Select the standard used by your T1 service provider for encoding signals on
the T1 lines.
•• ClockSrc
Determine the type of clock source.
••• Loops
View the loops on a BRI Card.
••• Loop nnn
View the settings for a particular loop on a BRI Card.
•••• Type
View or change the loop type.
•••• Sampling
Select the sampling used by an S-loop.
•••• DNs on Loop
Assign the ISDN DNs that use this loop.
••••• Assign DNs
Enter ISDN DNs for each S-loop or LT loop.
••••• Show DN:_
Indicate whether or not the DN is assigned to a loop.
••••• Loop DN:_
Select the main ISDN DN, if any, for the loop.
••• SPID1
Enter the SPID supplied by your service provider.
••• # of B-channls
Select the number of B-channels that are associated with the SPID.
••• Network DNs
Enter the Network DNs that are associated with the SPID.
A Network ISDN DN can be assigned to more than one SPID.
•••• Call type
Select the Call type used with the Network DN.
For each ISDN DN, use only one of each of the Voice and Data call type
settings, or a single Both call type setting.