Nortel Networks ICS 6.1 User Manual
Page 109
Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record
P0603536 02
• Cells
These commands provide information about the cells within the system.
•• Show cell:_
Enter the number of the cell you wish to program.
•• Cell radios
Assign a radio to this cell.
••• Show radio:_
Enter the number of the radio.
•• Cell nghbrs
Assign a cell to be a neighbor. This is a cell that physically adjoins another
••• Show nghbr
View neighbor information.
•• Cell rad nghbrs
Assign a cell to be a bordering cell to each cell neighbour.
•• Show RadNghbr
View cell radio neighbor information.
• System LID
(MICS-XC systems, only)
Use these commands to determine the System Access Logical Identifier (LID)
by which the system identifies itself to portable telephones, and by which the
portable telephones request service from the system.
• Rec’d # length
Select the number of digits received on auto-answer lines.
These digits are used to identify the Auto DN and DISA DNs, and to route
calls to target lines.
• DN length:_
Select the length of DNs.
DN length can be three to seven digits. Each increase in DN length adds the
digit 2 to an existing DN (for example: DN 344, when increased to five digits,
becomes 22344).
• Nat’nl length
The length of the telephone number dialed to reach a person within the same
• Make/Break:
Select the Make/Break ratio. The default Make/Break ratio is 40 / 60.
• BusName
Enter the name of the business. This name displays on the receiving set,
where the line allows.
• CbC limits
These commands allow you to program the minimum and maximum incoming
and outgoing calls for a PRI line pool.
•• Pool PRI-A
Select the PRI line pool (PRI-A, PRI-B....) for which you want to set the limits.
••• Show: Public
Select Public or Private, or Tie, FX, OUTWATS, 800
•••• Min incoming
Enter the minimum number of incoming PRI lines you need.
•••• Max incoming
Enter the maximum number of incoming PRI lines you need.
•••• Min outgoing
Enter the minimum number of outgoing PRI lines you need.
•••• Max outgoing
Enter the maximum number of outgoing PRI lines you need.
• Release reasons
Release reasons.
• Hospitality
These commands allow you to create the hospitality settings.
•• Room/desk information
These commands allow you to assign sets to a room.
••• Show set:_
Indicate the set you wish to configure.
••• Room #:_
Indicate the room associated with the set.
••• Adm pwd req’d:
Indicate whether the set requires the use of the Hospitality Desk Admin
password to access Hospitality Desk features.