Northern UTA220/UTA220k User Manual
Page 119
2. To be sure that the software in the file is correct, display the
file on the host computer (be careful not to modify it). At the
top of each file is a header (ASCII format) containing the
product and version information for the softload file. If the host
is a PC-compatible, the easiest way to do this is to enter:
TYPE filename
where filename is the name of the softload file to display.
3. Load the file to be downloaded to the TA onto the host
computer hard disk before downloading (this significantly
decreases the download time).
4. Connect the PC to any of the TA’s DTE port(s). Begin
executing the communications software package on the host.
5. Configure the host software for: 19200 bps full-duplex
asynchronous operation, 8-bit characters with no parity, and
RTS/CTS flow control of the DTE.
6. Using the terminal emulation mode on the host, send an AT
command to the TA. The TA should respond with OK.
7. Configure the TA for RTS/CTS flow control, using either the
keypad on the front panel or the AT&K3 command.
8. Check the version numbers of the current software on the TA
to verify that it is to be downloaded into the correct alternate
set. Enter AT$Q. The TA should respond with the version codes
for both the active and alternate set.
9. Initiate Softload. Enter the AT$Y=x (where x is the softload
password). The TA responds with either ERROR (if the
password is invalid) or the softload method banner
(SOFTLOAD YGMS-1). This banner identifies the download
method and file format. The TA then begins to erase the Flash
memory for the alternate set so that the new software can be
10. When the erase is complete, the TA returns YModem-G
initiation characters (G). This indicates that the TA is ready to
receive the YModem-G frames containing the new software.
11. Initiate the YModem-G file upload mode on the host
computer. Upload only the “.SL” file to the TA; do not attempt
to send any other type of file. The transfer takes approximately
3.5 minutes at 19200 bps.
12. If any errors are encountered during the file transfer attempt,
set the host back up for the terminal emulation mode and enter
ATS59? to display the softload error code.
13. After the YModem-G file transfer is complete, the TA
verifies the new software. This takes about 10 seconds. If the
software has been transferred and programmed correctly, the
TA returns an OK message to the DTE; otherwise it returns