Netopia 3300 User Manual

Page 61

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System Configuration 3-17

Select Add Port Interface and press Return.

The Add Por t Inter face screen appears. (The Add Por t Inter face screen varies depending on the types of por ts
available on your Netopia Router; the example below shows the four Ethernet por ts, the primar y SSID, and the
Ethernet WAN por t of a 4-por t wireless VGx model.)

From the Por t Inter faces pop-up menu, select the por t that you want to associate with this VLAN.

You specify the characteristics of the VLAN by setting the next three parameters:

Tag – Packets transmitted from this por t through this VLAN must be tagged with the VLAN VID. Packets
received through this por t destined for this VLAN must be tagged with the VLAN VID by the source. The Tag
option is only available on global type por ts.

Display/Change VLAN...

VLAN ID (1-4094): 10
VLAN Type... global
VLAN Name: Network A
VLAN Network: Primary LAN

802.1x: No

Add Port Interface...

Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.

Add Port Interface...
Port Interface... | Eth 0/1 Port |
Tag: | Eth 0/2 Port |
TOS-Priority: | Eth 0/3 Port |
IPTOS-Promote: | Eth 0/4 Port |
| SSID 1 Port |
| Eth 2 Port |
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Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.