Ff after job, Cr, em, and nl (3287 only), Translate table – Printronix T4204 User Manual
Page 156: Host override
Coax/Twinax Emulation
FF After Job
Determines the print position after an operator-initiated local copy (print
screen function).
Off. Performs an automatic new line command after completing a print
buffer (unless a new line, form feed or carriage return command was the
last one executed). The printer is set to print at print position 1 of the next
On. Performs an automatic form feed command unless a form feed was
the last one executed. The printer is set to print at print position 1 of the
first line on the next form.
CR, EM, And NL (3287 only)
CR (Carriage Return), EM (Error Message), and NL (New Line) specify that
the printer treat the CR, EM, and NL control codes either as spaces or as
control codes.
On. Treats the CR, EM and NL commands as control codes.
Off. Treats the CR, EM and NL commands as spaces.
Translate Table
Defines which translate table to use for printing.
Default. Translates data by using the default table of the current
character set.
Downloaded. Translates data from EBCDIC to internal code by using the
downloaded translate table.
Host Override
Determines whether the printer accepts certain commands sent by the host,
or continues to use the current operator panel settings.
Disable. Allows these host commands to override operator panel
settings: line length, forms length, lines per inch (LPI), characters per inch
(CPI), print quality, and text orientation. Note the information appearing on
the message display may not match the data stream setting. No values
will change upon initial selection of the disable option.
Enable. The operator panel settings override the host commands.