Printronix P9000 Series User Manual

Page 87

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Vertical Format Units

Start Load Code - 6C, 6D, or 6E Hex

6E Hex - The DVFU start load code of 6E (hex) with the PI line high initiates the DVFU memĆ

ory load routine using the current printer line spacing as the DVFU line spacing.

6C Hex - The DVFU start load code of 6C (hex) with the PI line high initiates the DVFU memĆ

ory load routine using 6 lpi as the line spacing regardless of the current printer line spacing.

6D Hex - The DVFU start load code of 6D (hex) with the PI line high initiates the DVFU

memory load routine using 8 lpi as the line spacing regardless of the current printer line spacĆ


Channel Assignment

Following the start load code, all data bytes received are interpreted as channel assignment

data until the end load code is received. During the channel assignment portion of the load

routine, the PI line can be high or low; if high, however, the channel data must not be the same

as start or end load code data. The last channel 12 loaded is assigned Bottom of Form (BOF). If

skip-over perforation is enabled, slewing will occur from BOF to TOF.

A maximum of 12 channels can be assigned to one physical line on the form (multiple channels

per line facilitate the use of a single DVFU load for multiple forms). Two eight-bit data bytes

(DVFU characters) are required per line. As shown in Table 5-4, the least significant 6 bits of

the first data byte are used to assign channels 1 through 6; the least significant 6 bits of the secĆ

ond data byte are used to assign channels 7 through 12. If a bit is set, the corresponding channel

is assigned.

Each line on the form requires two bytes. For lines not requiring a channel identification, the

two bytes should not contain channel assignments.

A maximum of 143 lines (286 DVFU bytes) can be assigned on the form. If more than 286 bytes

are received without an end load code, the end load code is forced" and the load routine is


CH 1 TOF - The first channel, line 1 of the form, must be assigned channel 1, top-of-form, or

the entire load sequence is ignored and the memory reset. Consequently, when preparing to

load the DVFU memory, position the paper at the required top-of-form position in anticipaĆ

tion of sending the TOF channel assignment code as the first line loaded. After the memory is

loaded, a Form Feed code (FF, 0C hex) will move the paper tothe next channel 1 (top-of-


CH 2 VT - Channel 2 is designated as the vertical tab channel. After the memory is loaded, a

VT code (0B hex) will move the paper to the next channel 2. If a VT code is received but chanĆ

nel 2 is not loaded, the paper will advance a single line at the current line spacing.

CH 12 BOF - The last channel 12 loaded is used as the bottom-of-form channel and has

significance when using the printer skip-over perforation feature. When skip-over perforaĆ

tion is enabled, paper will skip from BOF to TOF only if at the BOF position. If a channel

search moves paper past the BOF position but before the TOF position, no skip-over perforaĆ

tion will occur.