Index a – Printronix P9000 Series User Manual
Page 327

Alternate Terminating Resistors, 7-5
ASCII Character Chart, A-1
Attribute Set and Reset Codes, 6-3
Backspace, 6-7
Bell, 6-8
Bit Image Graphics
Density, 4-3
Plotting, 4-1, 4-2
Programming Format, 4-4
Sample Program, 4-5
Single Density Sample, 4-5
Bit Image Mode
Double Density, 6-10
Double Density Double Speed, 6-11
Quadruple Density, 6-12
Single Density, 6-9
Bold Print, 6-13
Bold Print Reset, 6-14
Cable Connections, 11-6
Cancel, 6-15
Carriage Return, 6-16
Centronics Parallel Interface, 7-3
Chain Assembly Installation, 11-5
Channel Assignments
DVFU, 5-7
EVFU, 5-2
NVFU, 5-11
CVFU, 5-13
Character Address Table, 10-4
Character Chart, ASCII, A-1
Character Formation, 1-3
Character Library (Symbol Set), 10-4
Character Library List (Numeric), 10-6
Character Library List (Alphabetical), 10-18
Character Pitch
10 cpi, 6-17
12 cpi, 6-18
Selection, 6-58
Character Set Select
Extended, 6-39
International, 6-25
Options, 2-1
Primary Select, 6-40
Select, 6-19
Select (80-9F=Control Codes), 6-22
Select (80-9F=Printable Symbols), 6-23, 6-24
Character Sets, Multinational
DEC Multinational, B-51
ECMA 94 Latin 1, 6-27, 10-1, B-25
Multinational, B-11
OCR-A, B-20
OCR-B, B-22
CHECK Indicator, 2-4
Paper Motion Detector, 8-3
Printer, 8-1
CLEAR Switch, 2-4
Clearing Memory
DVFU, 5-8
EVFU, 5-5
CVFU, 5-15
NVFU, 5-12
Combining Graphics and Text, 4-12
Command Line Error Messages, 6-3
Command Lines, 6-3
Condensed Print, 6-28
Condensed Print Reset, 6-29
Diagrams, 3-7
Factory Default Values, 3-4
Hardware Jumpers, F-1
Load Values, 3-6
Lock/Unlock, 3-1
Menus, 3-1
Printout, 3-2
Procedure, 3-5
Control Code
Control Code Functions, 6-2