April 1998
menu-driven user interface, 1-7, 4-1
Menus, A-1
health, 7-17
status, 7-17
ASCII Alarm, 9-12
Self-Test Results, 7-22
system, 4-4
System and Test Status, 7-17
system error, 9-18
system health, 7-17
system status, 7-16
Test Status, 7-24
test status, 7-17
MIB, to user interface command, cross-reference, D-1
MIB objects, network and dsx tests, D-7
Minimum Mode, 9-18
Mode, Minimum, 9-18
Model number, NAM, 7-1
Monitor Pattern
DSX-1 interface, 9-27
Network interface, 9-27
Sync Data Port, 9-32
monitoring, 1-9
NAM, 1-2
control file, 8-10
identity information, 7-1
Program-Hi Bank, 8-10
Program-Low Bank, 8-10
removal, 8-9
upgrade, 8-10
nam1_ctl.ocd, 8-10
nam2_low.ocd, 8-10
nam3_hi.ocd, 8-10
Name 1 Access, 5-70
Name 2 Access, 5-71
Name Access, 6-6
navigating, screens, 4-5
signaling assignments, 5-43
trunk conditioning, 5-43
channels, 7-7
Management, 4-1
performance statistics, 7-12
worksheet, A-4
Network Initiated Data Channel Loopback, 5-19
Network Initiated LLB, 5-8
Network Initiated PLB, 5-9
Network Interface, cable and pin assignments, E-4
Network interface
assigning timeslots, 5-43
configuring, 5-7
options, 5-7
network management, 1-7
Network T1 Interface, worksheet, A-16
Network Time Slot, 5-11
NMS, security, set up, 5-72
NMS IP Address, 6-8
NMS IP Validation, 5-72, 6-8
NMS n IP Address, 5-72, 5-75
Security Records to Delete, 9-18
Test Active, status, 7-24
Node IP Address, 5-67
Node Subnet Mask, 5-67
Nonlatching Loopback, 9-39
Number of Managers, 5-72, 6-8
Number of Trap Managers, 5-75
OCU Loopback, 9-40
OCU-DP, tests, 9-37
OCU-DP options, 5-32
OCU-DP ports
assigning, 5-46
configure, 5-32
worksheet, A-10
OCU-DP tests
send Latching Loopback, 9-37
start loopback tests, 9-38
stop loopback tests, 9-38
Off-Premises Extension (OPX), 3-8
Operating Mode
E&M, 5-24
FXO, 5-26
FXS, 5-29
operation, 8-1
Out of Frame (OOF), 5-11, 5-22
Out of Frame (OOF) Alarm, 5-15