Table 5-4 – Paradyne 6342 User Manual
Page 64

5. Monitoring the DSL Router
on page A-31 in Appendix A, Command Line
Interface, for additional information.
Table 5-4.
Reasons for IP Processing Discarded Packets
Bad Port to Destination
Bad Port to Source
DSL Receive Packets Filtered
DSL Transmit Packets Filtered
Ethernet Receive Packets Filtered
Ethernet Transmit Packets Filtered
Fragmentation Failures
ICMP (Internet Control Management Protocol) Errors
Non-routable Packets
No Route to Destination
No Route to Source
No Upstream Route
Other Reassembly Failures
Other Receive Discards
Other Receive Errors
Other Transmit Discards
Packets Pending on ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Discarded
Receive IP Port Disabled
Reassembly Timeout
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Errors
Time to Live Expired
Transport Protocol Not Handled
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Errors