Kentrox AI232 User Manual
Page 219

AI232 Version 9.6x User’s Guide
AI232 Commands: diag-info
This example displays diagnostic information for the front panel Ethernet interface,
which is accessed by typing
Rx LG frame length violation: ---0
Rx NO nonoctet aligned frame: ---0
Rx SH short frame (runt): -------0
Rx CR CRC error: ----------------0
Rx OV overrun: ------------------0
Rx CL collision: ----------------0
Rx BSY buffers exhausted: -------0
Rx frames missed: ---------------0
Rx frames received: -------------0
Rx bytes received: --------------0
Tx RL retry limit exceeded: -----0
Tx RC collisions: ---------------0
Tx UN underruns: ----------------0
Tx LC late collisions:-----------0
Tx CSL carrier sense lost: ------2451095
Tx queued buffers: --------------0
Tx frames sent: -----------------2451095
Tx bytes sent: ------------------233814304
Unexpected interrupts: ----------0
Enter M-emory, A-sync, E-thernet, T-cp or Q-uit:
Display Item
Rx LG frame length violation
Displays the number of frame length violations in
received packets.
Rx NO nonoctet aligned frame
Displays the number of misaligned, received frames.
Rx SH short frame (runt)
Displays the number of short received frames.
Rx CR CRC error
Displays the number of packets received that have
had CRC errors.
Rx OV overrun
Displays the number of packets not received by the
interface because of a receiver overrun.
Rx CL collision
Displays the transmit collisions on received frames.
This is the number of times the Ethernet device goes
to transmit but cannot because someone else is
already transmitting.
Rx BSY buffers exhausted
Displays the number of times all receive buffers
were used, but more were required.
Rx frames missed
Displays the number of frames that were supposed
to be received, but were missed.