IBM 12.1(22)EA6 User Manual

Page 340

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Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Modules for the IBM BladeCenter, Software Configuration Guide


Chapter 18 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN

Configuring SPAN

An EtherChannel port can be a SPAN source port; it cannot be a SPAN destination port.

For SPAN source ports, you can monitor sent and received traffic for a single port or for a series or
range of ports.

When you configure a switch port as a SPAN destination port, it is no longer a normal switch port;
only monitored traffic passes through the SPAN destination port.

You can configure a disabled port to be a source or destination port, but the SPAN function does not
start until the destination port and at least one source port is enabled.

A SPAN destination port never participates in any VLAN spanning tree. SPAN does include BPDUs
in the monitored traffic, so any spanning-tree BPDUs received on the SPAN destination port for a
SPAN session were copied from the SPAN source ports.

When SPAN is enabled, configuration changes have these results:

If you change the VLAN configuration of a destination port, the change is not effective until
SPAN is disabled.

If you disable all source ports or the destination port, the SPAN function stops until both a
source and the destination port are enabled.

Creating a SPAN Session and Specifying Ports to Monitor

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to create a SPAN session and specify the source
(monitored) and destination (monitoring) ports:



Step 1

configure terminal

Enter global configuration mode.

Step 2

no monitor session {session_number | all |
local | remote}

Clear any existing SPAN configuration for the session.

For session_number, specify 1.

Specify all to remove all SPAN sessions, local to remove all local
sessions, or remote to remove all remote SPAN sessions.

Step 3

monitor session session_number source
interface interface-id [, | -] [both | rx | tx]

Specify the SPAN session and the source port (monitored port).

For session_number, specify 1.

For interface-id, specify the source port to monitor. Valid interfaces
include physical interfaces and port-channel logical interfaces
(port-channel port-channel-number).

(Optional) [, | -] Specify a series or range of interfaces. Enter a space
before and after the comma; enter a space before and after the

(Optional) Specify the direction of traffic to monitor. If you do not
specify a traffic direction, the source interface sends both sent and
received traffic.

both—Monitor both received and sent traffic.

rx—Monitor received traffic.

tx—Monitor sent traffic.