Intel Extensible Firmware Interface User Manual
Page 1080

Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
Version 1.10
Reset(), USB Host Controller, 14-4
ResetChannel(), 13-16
ResetSystem(), 6-21
ResetTarget(), 13-17
RestoreTPL(), 5-17
RET, 19-55
RunDiagnostics(), 9-43
runtime services, 1-8, 2-5
Runtime Services, 5-1, 6-1
Miscellaneous Runtime Services, 6-20
Time Services, 6-9
Variable Services, 6-2
Virtual Memory Services, 6-16
Runtime Services Driver, definition of,
Runtime Services Table, definition of, Glossary-
Runtime Services Table, EFI, 4-1
Runtime Services, definition of, Glossary-14
SAL, definition of, Glossary-14
SCSI Pass Thru device paths, 13-18
SCSI pass-thru protocol, 13-1
Secondary Root PCI Bus with PCI to PCI
Bridge Device Path, C-6
Serial I/O Protocol, 10-56
GetControl(), 10-65
SetAttributes(), 10-61
SetControl(), 10-63
GUID, 10-56
Interface Structure, 10-56
Revision Number, 10-56
services, 2-4
SetAttribute(), 10-19
SetAttributes(), 10-61, 12-36
SetBarAttributes(), 12-89
SetControl(), 10-63
control bits, 10-63
SetCursorPosition(), 10-22
SetInfo(), 11-33
SetIpFilter(), 15-60
SetMem(), 5-88
SetMode(), 10-18, 10-30
SetOptions(), 9-34
SetPackets(), 15-65
SetParameters(), 15-62
SetPosition(), 11-30
SetRootHubPortFeature (), 14-30
SetState(), 14-8
SetStationIp(), 15-64
SetTime(), 6-13
SetTimer(), 5-13
SetVariable(), 6-7
SetVirtualAddressMap(), 6-17
SetWakeupTime(), 6-15
SetWatchdogTimer(), 5-85
SHL, 19-56
SHR, 19-57
Shutdown(), 15-10, 15-77
SignalEvent(), 5-10
Simple File System Protocol, 11-18
OpenVolume(), 11-20
GUID, 11-18
Interface Structure, 11-18
Revision Number, 11-18
Simple Input Protocol, 10-2, 10-4
ReadKeyStroke(), 10-6
Reset(), 10-5
GUID, 10-4
Interface Structure, 10-4
Scan Codes for, 10-2
Simple Network Protocol, 15-1, 15-29, 15-40
GetStatus(), 15-20
Initialize(), 15-8
MCastIPtoMAC(), 15-17
NVData(), 15-18
Receive(), 15-24
ReceiveFilters(), 15-11
Reset(), 15-9
Shutdown(), 15-10
Start(), 15-6
StationAddress(), 15-13
Statistics(), 15-14
Stop(), 15-7
Transmit(), 15-22
GUID, 15-1
Interface Structure, 15-1