En echo command – Intel LAN+Modem56 PC Card PRO/100 User Manual

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PRO/100 LAN+Modem PC Card User’s Guide

Dial Modifiers (continued)

@ Wait for Quiet Answer

The @ modifier in a dial string instructs the modem to wait for five

seconds of silence after dialing the number. If silence is not detected,

the modem sends a NO ANSWER result code to the user.


Return to Command Mode after Dialing

The semicolon (;) dial modifier can be used only at the end of a

command line, immediately preceding the Enter, and instructs the

modem to return to the command mode immediately after dialing and

without breaking the connection with the distant modem.

^ Disable Data Calling Tone Transmission

The ^ modifier in a dial string disables data calling tone for the

current call (calling tone is automatically enabled in many countries).

This modifier is not available in all countries.


Credit Card Tone Detect

The $ modifier in a dial string instructs the modem to wait for a

credit card “bong” tone before processing the remaining characters in

the dial string.


Echo Command

The ATEn command, where n represents 0 or 1, determines if the

commands you issue through the keyboard to the modem in command

mode are displayed (echoed) on your computer’s monitor screen.


Disable echo to the computer


Enable echo to the computer (default)

If the commands you type are not displayed on your monitor screen, your

software is set to expect character echo from the remote system. You can

remedy this by typing in the command ATE1. If the commands you type

are displayed on your monitor with the characters duplicated,

LLIIKKEETTHHIISS, type in the ATE0 command.