At command reference, Special commands +++ online escape sequence, A/ repeat last command – Intel LAN+Modem56 PC Card PRO/100 User Manual

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PRO/100 LAN+Modem PC Card User’s Guide

AT Command Reference

With the exception of the “Special Commands” described at the beginning

of the Command Reference, all commands must be preceded by the AT

attention code (or command prefix) and terminated by pressing the Enter


The modem responds with the result code OK, which means it under-

stands and can execute the command, or with ERROR, which means that

the modem does not understand the command or that the command is

invalid. For a complete list of result codes, see the beginning of this

The modem must be in command mode when any command other than

the online escape sequence is entered. Commands entered when the

modem is in online mode are treated as data and transmitted as such to

the modem at the other end of the line.

Special Commands

+++ Online Escape Sequence

The escape sequence is used to switch to command mode from online

mode during a session with a remote modem. Type three “plus signs.” The

escape sequence is not preceded by the AT command prefix, nor does it

require the Enter key. The setting of S-Register S2 determines the ASCII

character used. S2=43 is the default (the “+” sign). 0-127 are valid. To

disable the command, set S2 to a value greater than 127. Use the ATO

(“AT” and letter “oh”) command to return to online mode.

Insert a pause before and after the escape sequence to prevent misinter-

pretation of the escape sequence as data. Use S-Register S12 to set the

length of the pause.


Repeat Last Command

The A/ command causes the modem to repeat the last command string.

The command executes as soon as / is typed. It does not require the AT

command line prefix, nor does it need to be followed by Enter.