Intel MD566X User Manual

Page 94

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56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset


Intel Confidential

Programmer’s Guide





Compression Method Selection: This command contains four parameters that
specify the voice compression method, voice sampling rate, silence compression
sensitivity, and the degree of silence expansion. The DCE can support different
capabilities for each compression method.

m= , , ,
Defaults: m = 140, 8000, 0, 0

Compression Method: This parameter selects a voice compression
method. The DTE can obtain the label and a string constant identifier by using
the +VSM? command.

Range: = 0–2, 128, 129, 132, 140, 141
Default: = 140

= 0

LIN1: 8-bit Linear PCM (pulse code modulation) sampling using
twos-complement signed numbers

= 1

LIN2: 16-bit Linear PCM sampling using unsigned numbers

= 2

AD4: 4-bit Adaptive differential pulse code modulation

= 128 LIN1: 8-bit Linear PCM (pulse code modulation) sampling using

twos-complement signed numbers

= 129 LIN2: 16-bit Linear PCM sampling using unsigned numbers

= 132 AD4: 4-bit Adaptive differential pulse code modulation

= 140* CL1: 8-bit Intel A-law

= 141 AD3: 3-bit Adaptive differential pulse code modulation

Sampling Rate: This parameter selects the DCE voice sampling/digitiz-
ing rate for the voice signal. The supported sampling rates are dependent on the
compression schemes used. Use the +VSM=? command to obtain supported
sampling rates.

Range: = 4800, 7200, 8000, and 11025 samples/second
Default: = 8000*

Silence Sensitivity: The function of this parameter depends on whether
the DTE is transmitting or receiving in voice mode. The DTE can modify the si-
lence expansion using the parameter. When transmitting voice, a non-zero
value of this parameter informs the DCE that the data stream was recorded with
silence compression.

Table 6-1.

Voice Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)




Default used by previous legacy modems


Used by some bulletin boards



Used by many Windows

.WAV files