Intel MD566X User Manual
Page 77

56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
Programmer’s Guide
Intel Confidential
Receive HDLC Data: (cont.)
The modem obeys the configured flow control from the DTE. If the DTE sends any
character to the modem other than DC1 or DC3 while the modem is in this mode,
the modem enters command mode and return an ‘OK’ result code.
After sending the result code indicating that frame reception is complete, the mo-
dem continues to receive and buffer the data in the selected mode. If the DTE is-
sues another +FRH=
result code and continues with HDLC reception. If the DTE issues any command
that changes modulation, the DCE stops the receive process; the DCE then dis-
cards any buffered data and processes the command.
Receive Data: The +FRM=
mode using the modulation scheme specified in
ues shown in
When the selected carrier is detected, the modem sends a ‘CONNECT’ result to
the DTE. If a different signal is detected, the modem sends a “+FCERROR” (con-
nect error) result code to the DTE and returns to command mode.
After receiving the selected carrier, the modem transfers all received data patterns
to the DTE as consecutive start-stop framed bytes, including leading marking con-
ditions or flags. The modem marks the end of the data stream with
Upon loss of carrier, the modem returns to command state and sends a “NO CAR-
RIER” result code to the DTE.
If the modem is on-hook, then the modem always returns an ‘ERROR’
message to the DTE after receiving the +FRM=
Wait for Silence: The +FRS= command causes the modem to send an
“OK” result code to the DTE when silence has been detected on the line for the
amount of time specified. The value
Table 5-3.
Fax Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)
An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.