Intel MD566X User Manual
Page 68

56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
Intel Confidential
Programmer’s Guide
Set Break Control: Defines what action the modem takes when a break (attention
signal) is sent or received, as described below.
n = 0–5
In connect state, transmits break to remote (if in reliable mode):
n = 0, 2, 4
Enter command state, but does not send a break
n = 1
n = 3
n = 5*
In command state, transmits break to remote (if in reliable mode):
n = 0, 1
n = 2, 3
n = 4, 5*
In connect state, receives break at serial port (if in direct mode):
n = 0, 2, 4
Immediately sends break and enters command state
n = 1,3, 5*
Immediately sends break through
In connect state, receives break at modem port and sends to serial
n = 0,1
n = 2, 3
n = 4, 5*
Set Operating Mode: Determines the type of connection attempted by the modem.
n = 0–4
n = 0, 1
Buffer (Normal) Mode — no data compression or error correction,
but uses speed buffering.
n = 2
MNP Reliable Mode — the modem attempts to negotiate an MNP
error-correction ‘reliable’ link, hanging up if it fails.
n = 3*
V.42 Auto-Reliable Mode — if V.42 detection is enabled (-Jn), a
LAPM or MNP link can be detected and negotiated; otherwise, only
LAPM is attempted. If configured for -J0 and a protocol connection
is not made, the modem hangs up. If configured for -J1 and a pro-
tocol connection is not made, the modem falls back to speed buffer-
ing mode.
n = 4
V.42 Reliable Mode — the modem attempts to negotiate LAPM er-
ror correction, hanging up if it fails.
Originate Reliable Link: In buffer (normal) mode (\N0 or \N1), the modem attempts
to originate an MNP link, regardless of whether the modem originated or answered
the telephone call (physical connection). The remote modem must answer the MNP
link request for the link to be established (refer to the \U command that follows).
Table 4-2.
V.44 / V.42 / V.42 bis and MNP Data Mode Command Descriptions