Intel MD566X User Manual

Page 66

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56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset


Intel Confidential

Programmer’s Guide

Table 4-2.

V.44 / V.42 / V.42 bis and MNP Data Mode Command Descriptions


An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.






Set Auto-Reliable Fallback Character: In auto-reliable mode (\N3) with auto-reli-
able fallback character enabled (\C2), receipt of the fallback character from the line
during the V.42 detection phase causes the modem to switch to buffer (normal)
mode. This allows a remote user with a non-V.42 modem to connect immediately
with a V.42 modem. A space or carriage return is usually chosen for the fallback

n = 0–127 (ASCII character)



MNP 5 Data Compression Control: This command controls whether the data sent
during the MNP frames is compressed using MNP Class 5 compression standard.
MNP 5 data compression can improve throughput by as much as 150%.

n = 0, 1

n = 0

No compression

n = 1*

MNP Class 5 compression



MNP Block Size: This command specifies the maximum number of data bytes in an
MNP data frame. A smaller frame size may improve throughput on high-impairment
(noisy) telephone lines.

n = 0–3

n = 0

Maximum 64 characters

n = 1

Maximum 128 characters

n = 2

Maximum 192 characters

n = 3*

Maximum 256 characters



Transmit Break: This command causes the modem to send a break (attention sig-
nal) to the remote modem for a duration specified by ‘n’. When n = 0, the default
break length is used.

n = 0–9 (units of 100 ms)