ATL Telecom AM2 User Manual
Page 107
ATL User Guide
IP Address
The IP address comprises 32 bits and is considered to have 2 parts, called the network
number and the host number. IP addresses are written as 4 decimal numbers
separated by dots, with each number having a value between 0 and 255 to represent
8 bits of the address.
(Internetwork Packet exchange) A standard protocol devised by Novell. The term
"IPX" is often used to refer to the family of protocols usually found on Novell
networks. These include RIP, SAP and SPX.
(Internet Service Provider) A vendor who provides direct access to the Internet.
International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications
(Local Area Network) A network operating over short distances, usually at high
(Link Control Protocol) One of the several protocols negotiated over a PPP link. It is
always the first to be negotiated and is and indication of the state of the link. When
the state reaches Opened then it is ready for use by other protocols e.g. IP, IPX.
Leased Line
Private Circuits leased from a network operator usually as a 2 wire (1 pair) or 4 wire
(2 pair) copper link. In the UK EPS8 is the standard for a 4-wire baseband circuit and
EPS9 is the standard for a 2-wire baseband circuit.
The addition of inductance to a pair of wires or line used for transmission of voice
frequency signals to minimize amplitude distortion and improve voice quality -
prevents DSL baseband transmission from working.
Diagnostic test in which the transmitted signal is returned to the sending device after
passing through all or part of a data communications link or network. A loopback test
compares the returned signal with the transmitted signal.
Media Access Control. The lower portion of the data link layer, it is the interface
between the station and the network. The MAC differs for various physical media.
MAC address
The hardware address of a device connected to a shared network medium.
(Management Information Base) A database that a device keeps about itself and from
which it provides information to management software such as SNMP.
Taken from the term "modulator-demodulator". A modem converts digital signals
from a computer or other digital device to analogue signals for a copper twisted pair
telephone line and demodulates the incoming analogue signal to convert it to a
digital signal for the digital device.
Altering the amplitude, frequency or phase of a carrier signal to transmit information.
The method used to transmit AM (amplitude modulation) radio, the voice or music
information is transmitted by modulating the amplitude of a carrier signal with the
electrical signal representing the voice or music This carrier signal is the frequency of
the radio station.