IDEC WindSRV User Manual

Page 89

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KEPServerEX5 Help

to eliminate or reduce noise content in the data by only detecting changes when they exceed the percentage change
that has been requested. The percent change is a factor of the data type of a given tag. The Active State is used to
turn all of the tags in this group either on or off. The Group Name is used for reference from the client and can
actually be left blank.

6. Press OK to commit the group when finished.

Accessing Tags

7. OPC server tags must be added to the group before they can be accessed. OPC Data Access specifications defines a
tag browsing interface as one that allows an OPC client to directly access and display the available tags in an OPC
server. By allowing the OPC client application to browse the tag space of the OPC server, a user can simply click on the
desired tags to automatically add them to a group.

8. Select the group in which tags will be placed. Then, click Edit | New Item. Alternatively, right-click and select New
Item from the Context Menu or click the New Server icon in the toolbar. Selecting New Item from all of these methods
will invoke the Add Items dialog, which is used to enter an Item ID, Data Type and Active State for an OPC item

Note: The Add Items dialog also provides a tree view of the Browsing section and can be used to browse into an OPC
server to find tags configured at the server. Using the "Example1" project created as part of this example, users can
access the tags previously defined by expanding the branches of the view.

9. Once the tree hierarchy is at the point shown in the image above, users can begin adding tags to the OPC group by
double-clicking on the tag name. As tags are added to the group, the Item Count shown at the bottom of the Add
Items dialog will increase to indicate the number of items being added. If both "MyFirstTag" and "MySecondTag" were
added, the item count should be 2.

10. When finished, commit the tags to the group by clicking OK.

Note: Users should now be able to access data from the server using the two tags that were defined. The OPC Quick