Opc compliance options – IDEC WindSRV User Manual
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Descriptions of the parameters are as follows.
When enabled, Enable OPC 1.0 allows the server to accept OPC client connections from OPC clients that support
the 1.0 specification. The 1.0 operation is enabled by default.
When enabled, Enable OPC 2.0 allows the server to accept OPC client connections from OPC clients that support
the 2.0 specification. The 2.0 operation is enabled by default.
When enabled, Enable OPC 3.0 allows the server to accept OPC client connections from OPC clients that support
the 3.0 specification. The 3.0 operation is enabled by default.
When enabled, Include Hints allows OPC client applications to browse the address formatting Hints available for
each communications driver. The Hints provide a visual quick reference on how a particular device's data can be
addressed. This can be useful when entering dynamic tags from the OPC client. The hint items are not valid OPC
tags. Some OPC client applications may try to add the Hint tags to their tag database. When this occurs, the
client will receive an error from the server. This is not a problem for most clients, although it can cause others to
stop adding tags automatically or report errors. Users can prevent this from occurring by turning the Hints On or
Off. This option is disabled by default.
When enabled, Include tag properties allows OPC client applications to browse the Tag Properties available for
each tag in the address space. This setting is disabled by default.
Shut down wait timeout allows users to configure how long the server will wait for an OPC client to return
from the server shut down event. If the client application does not return within the timeout period, the server
will complete its shutdown and exit. The valid range is 10 to 60 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.
Wait for synchronous request parameter allows users to configure how long the server will wait for a
synchronous Read or Write operation to complete. If a synchronous operation is in progress and the timeout is
exceeded, the server will force the operation to complete with a failure to the OPC client. This prevents OPC
clients from appearing to become locked up when using synchronous operations. The valid range is 5 to 60
seconds. The default is 15 seconds.
OPC Compliance Options
The server has been designed to provide the highest level of compatibility with the OPC Foundation's specifications. In
testing however it has been found that being fully compatible with the specification and working with all OPC client
applications is a different matter. The OPC Compliancy option allows users to tailor the operation of the server to better