Index – IDEC WindSRV User Manual

Page 162

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KEPServerEX5 Help



- _ -

_ Error control 152
_ Forced error control 152
_ Hardware flow control 152
_ Software flow control 153

- < -

'' device driver loaded successfully
'' device driver unloaded from
memory 142
'' Server Started 129
'' successfully configured to run
as a system service 129
'' successfully removed from the
service control manager database 129

- A -

A client application has ''
auto-demotion on device '' 143
Adding and Configuring a Channel 75
Adding and Configuring a Device 77
Adding Tag Scaling 82
Adding User-Defined Tags 79
Alias Properties 73
Attempt to add DDE item '' failed
Attempt to add FastDDE/SuiteLink item 'name>' failed 130
Attempt to add iFIX PDB item '< item name>' failed
Attempt to add OPC Client item ''
failed 130
Attempting to automatically generate tags for
device '' 130
Auto generation for tag '' already exists
and will not be overwritten 130
Auto generation produced too many overwrites_
stopped posting error messages 131
Automatic OPC Tag Database Generation 18

- B -

Basic Server Components 50
Built-In Diagnostics 39

- C -

Channel Diagnostics 47
Channel Properties - Ethernet Encapsulation 58
Channel Properties - General 51
Channel Properties - Manual RTS Flow Control
Channel Properties - Modem 55
Channel Properties - Network Interface 53
Channel Properties - Write Optimizations 56
Channel Properties Communication Parameters
Closing project '' 143
Communications Management 34
Completed automatic tag generation for device
'%s' 131
Components 9
Configuration session assigned to ''
as Default User has ended 131
Configuration session assigned to ''
demoted to Read Only 131
Configuration session assigned to ''
promoted to Write Access 132
Configuration session started by ''
Configuration TCP/IP port number changed to
'' 132
Connectivity 8
Created backup of project '' to 'location>' 143

- D -

Data collection is '' on device
'' 132
DDE client attempt to add topic '' failed
DDE Options 106
Delete object '' failed 133
Demo timer started. '' '' ''
'' 133
Demo timer updated. '