Demo timer updated. '

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KEPServerEX5 Help

Demo timer updated. '

Error Type:


Possible Cause:




Demonstration time period has expired

Error Type:


Possible Cause:

The Runtime was running in demo mode and the demo period has expired.


1. Obtain a license for the driver or plug-in that was functioning as a demo. For more information, refer to the "Support
Information" section from the server's Configuration Help menu or from the server's Administration menu (located in
the system tray).
2. Reset the two-hour demo period by stopping and starting the server Runtime. To do so, access the server's
Administration menu and then select "Stop Runtime Service" and "Start Runtime Service."


To restart a licensed project without triggering the Demo period, load a project which only uses licensed drivers and
plug-ins. Then, stop and start the server Runtime from the Administration menu.

Demonstration time period has expired

Error Type:




Possible Cause:

The server was running in Demo mode, but the demo period has expired.


1. Obtain a license for the driver or plug-in that was functioning as a demo. For more information, refer to the "Support
Information" section from the server's Configuration Help menu or from the server's Administration menu (located in
the system tray).
2. Reset the two-hour demo period by stopping and starting the server Runtime. To do so, access the server's
Administration menu and then select "Stop Runtime Service" and "Start Runtime Service."
3. Confirm the drivers and plug-ins that are active in the project (as well as the license details) through the License
Utility. Then, review and employ the solutions above as needed in order to resolve the issue.


1. To manage a license (that is, to activate, transfer, or view license details) refer to the License Utility help file.

2. Often, an unlicensed (demo) driver or plug-in is temporarily activated either prior to or after a project is loaded with
licensed drivers or plug-ins. This will trigger the two-hour demo period, which will stop the server Runtime project once
it expires. To properly restart a licensed project without triggering the demo period, load a project which only uses
licensed drivers and plug-ins. Then, stop and the start the server Runtime from the Administration menu.