Channel diagnostics, Iopcdatacallback, Ienumopcitemattributes – IDEC WindSRV User Manual

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IDataObject connections as in the past.

EnumConnectionPoints - Creates an enumerator for the Connection Points supported between the OPC Group
and the Client.

FindConnectionPoint - Finds a particular connection point between the OPC Group and the Client.

IconnectionPoint (Group) - Establishes a call back to the client.

Advise - Establishes an advisory connection between the connection point and the caller's sink object.

EnumConnections - Creates an enumerator object for iteration through the connections that exist to this
connection point.

GetConnectionInterface - Returns the IID of the outgoing interface managed by this connection point.

GetConnectionPointContainer - Retrieves the IConnectionPointContainer interface pointer to the connectable
object that conceptually owns the connection point.

Unadvise - Terminates an advisory connection previously established through the Advise method.


In order to use connection points, the client must create an object that supports both the IUnknown and
IOPCDataCallback Interface.

OnDataChange - This method is provided by the client to handle notifications from the OPC Group for exception
based data changes and Refreshes.

OnReadComplete - This method is provided by the client to handle notifications from the OPC Group on
completion of Async Reads.

OnWriteComplete - This method is provided by the client to handle notifications from the OPC Group on
completion of AsyncIO2 Writes.

OnCancelComplete - This method is provided by the client to handle notifications from the OPC Group on
completion of Async Cancel.


IEnumOPCItemAttributes allows clients to find out the contents of a group and the attributes of those items. Most of the
returned information is either supplied by or returned to the client at the time it called AddItem.

Clone - Creates a second copy of the enumerator. The new enumerator is initially in the same state as the
current enumerator.

Next - Fetches the next 'celt' items from the group.

Reset - Resets the enumerator back to the first item.

Skip - Skips over the next 'celt' attributes.

Important: For more information on the general principles of Connection points, refer to Microsoft documentation.

Channel Diagnostics

The server's diagnostic features provides real-time data on the communication driver's performance. All Read and Write
operations can either be viewed in the diagnostic display window or tracked directly in the OPC client application by
using built-in Diagnostics Tags. These diagnostics make it easy to debug communication issues. The diagnostic
display window also provides a real-time protocol view, which is useful when making changes to key communication
parameter settings (such as baud rate, parity or Device IDs). The changes' effects are displayed in real-time. Once the
correct communication and device settings are set, users will immediately see the exchange of data with the device.

To modify the operation of the Diagnostic Window, right-click in the window's protocol view.