14 label tool – Impulse MAQ20-940 User Manual User Manual
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Shape Software for MAQ
20 User Manual
5.3.13 LED Tool
The LED indicator Tool can be used to monitor discrete input channels or analog input channels. A
discrete input channel value of 1 turns the LED on and a value of 0 turns the LED off. An analog input
channel value greater than a user selected preset value turns the LED on and a value less than the
preset value turns the LED off.
Multiple LED’s can be connected to the same digital or analog input
To use an LED in a project, select it from the Toolbox and place it on the Present panel. Select the input
channel to monitor from the LED Input selection box. If the LED is to be assigned to an analog input
channel, enter the preset value
which represents the ‘On’ state’ in the AI on value box. To change the
size, adjust the text font under the Font heading in the Properties box.
Double click on the LED to open the Properties box. Only the Appearance and Layout categories contain
parameters that are useful to modify when interfacing to the MAQ
Example 1:
Place three separate LED Tools on the Present panel.
Connect the input for each of the three LEDs to analog input channel 1_VDN_1_0.
For LED #1, enter a preset AI on value of 1.0
For LED #2, enter a preset AI on value of 2.0
For LED #3, enter a preset AI on value of 3.0
As the input to channel 1_VDN_1_0 increases , LED #1 will turn on when the 1_VDN_1_0
readingexceeds 1.0V, LED #2 will turn on when the 1_VDN_1_0 reading exceeds 2.0V, and LED #3 will
turn on when the 1_VDN_1_0 reading exceeds 3.0V.
As the input to channel 1_VDN_1_0, LED #3 will turn off when the 1_VDN_1_0 reading is equal to or less
than 3.0V, LED #2 will turn off when the 1_VDN_1_0 reading is equal to or less than 2.0V, and LED #1
will turn off when the 1_VDN_1_0 reading is equal to or less than 1.0V.