Impulse MAQ20-940 User Manual User Manual

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Shape Software for MAQ


20 User Manual


Before an application can be run, the system must be configured using the Acquire panel.

Enable each system connected: Default: System 1 - Enabled. System 2 to 10 - Disabled.

Select the communication port for each system: Ethernet, USB or Serial
IP Address: Default =
USB: Default = Port 1.
Serial port name: COM1-COM20. Default = COM3.
Serial port baud rate: 921600, 460800, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800,
2400. Default = 115200.
Parity: EVEN, NONE, and ODD. Default = EVEN.
Search for New Available Serial Ports: Scans the serial ports on the host computer and
populates the panel with all available ports. This feature is useful if a serial port has recently
been installed and the assigned Com port number is not known.

Select system run interval in milliseconds. Default = 100.

Select communications timeout. Default = 4 second.

To establish communications with the system or systems, click on the [Connect] button. The
communications module for each system will automatically detect which MAQ20 I/O modules are installed
(COM4, TC, V, Vout , DIO, etc.) and the software will generate a graphical representation of each system.
The individual I/O modules in each system can be set up by clicking on the appropriate system tab and
then on the image of the modules to open up a configuration panel specific to each I/O module type.

After setup, the Acquire panel can be hidden using the view pull down menu as follows.