3 view analog input channels – Impulse MAQ20-940 User Manual User Manual
Page 29

Shape Software for MAQ
20 User Manual
To save collected data to a file on the host computer, select
‘Enable save to file’ from the
selection box
. This will save raw data to a text file without units. Select ‘Enable save / unit’ if it is
desired to have units on the collected data saved to the text file. Text file size is only limited by
the host computer hard drive available space. The rate at which data is logged is set by the
system sampling interval.
The grid display can show data with or without units or can be disabled using the selection box.
The filename and path for the logged data file is shown in the box at the top of the panel. Use the
Change File Name button to select a new filename. Standard MS Windows naming convention
The Data Save Mode selection box allows the choice of saved data modes of Over Write, Append
and Auto File Increment.
The text file shown in the in the box at the top of the panel can be opened using the Open Data
File button.
To copy data to another application, first select the rows of data in spreadsheet or click the box at
the top left corner of the grid to select all rows, then click on the [Copy to Clipboard] button. The
data is now in the clipboard and can be pasted into other software applications which accept data
in space delimited .txt format.
To delete data from the grid display, select the row or rows of data to be deleted and click on the
[Delete Rows Data] button.
To delete all data in the grid display, click on the Delete All Data button.
The limit for data shown in the grid display and in the graphs on the View Analog Input Channels
tab and View Discrete I/O Channels tabs is set using the Grid History Capacity box. The default
setting is 10000. Once the limit is reached, data will be cleared from the grid display and graphs
and will start over from 1.