Impulse MAQ20-940 User Manual User Manual
Page 26

Shape Software for MAQ
20 User Manual
To change the tag name, enter the new name in the User Tag Name text box for the channel.
References to this channel in other panels will use this tag name.
The user can view discrete input data in the DIO Status data display boxes and write discrete output
data by entering a value of 0 or 1 in the Output Data boxes.
Default Output Data and Default DIO States Select are user defined values which are the known safe
discrete output values in case of loss of communication from the host or accidental power cycling of
the MAQ
Default output values are applied to the discrete output channels when:
o System power is turned on
o ReDAQ Shape Software for MAQ
20 is stopped
o Communications between the host computer and the hardware are lost
To set the default outputs, enter the desired value into the Default Output Data box and then click on
the [Save Default] button.
Special Function tab:
To configure the Discrete I/O Special Functions, first ensure the active project is stopped. The
Discrete Input-Output channels do not need to be configured or set with initial I/O states because the
Shape Software for MAQ
20 will do this automatically when a particular Special Function is