HP 480-0005-00-15 User Manual

Page 102

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P/N 480-0005-00-15


Chapter 4: Getting Started with Command Line Interface

config-IPDialPlan-1# set mytechprefix [5] 789. Assigns the 5th element of MyTechPrefix (part of
IPDialPlan) to 789.

Remove an attribute as follows:

config-DialPlan-1# set internationalprefix [2]. Erases 2nd element of InternationalPrefix (part of
Dial Plan option) and sets it to the default value.

config-IPDialPlan-1# set mytechprefix [5]. Assigns the 5th element of MyTechPrefix (part of IPDi-
alPlan) to the default entry.

To associate a selected CLI option to another, type set followed by the name of the option to which you want
to attach. A “..” indicates a range of values.


config-ChannelGroup-1# set SignalingGroupAttached ISDNSignalingGroup-1 (or set sga isdn-1).
Associates ChannelGroup -1 to ISDN SignalingGroup-1.

To detach a selected CLI option from another, type set followed only by the name of the option you want to


config-ChannelGroup-1# set SignalingGroupAttached (or set sga). Detaches ChannelGroup -1 to
ISDN SignalingGroup-1.