HP 2040D User Manual

Page 23

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Series 2040 Test System

Series 2040 Maintenance Manual V2.00



All tester resources, by default, are either gray-colored or on gray background.

The one to three resources calculated to be most likely causing the fault(s) will

be highlighted in red. Also, the ‘Results:’ box on the lower portion of the form

displays the information regarding these three tester resources. If the resource

is a board in the Testhead, an arrow with a number 1-3 according to its

relative importance (1 being greatest) will point to the location of the board.

An information box with the same number will display the board’s

description, Digalog part number, and serial number (if this information is

available in the diagnostic file.) If the tester resource is not a board in the

Testhead, the resource’s graphic will be highlighted in red with a label

indicating which ‘Choice #’ it is in relative importance. The information box

with the ‘Choice #’ information will have the resource’s description and other

optional information regarding that resource.

If the SelfExec test ‘TH_config_test’ has logged fails in the current diagnostic

file, a message box will be shown informing the user that this fault exists.

Also, the ‘Results:’ box will display the message: “Config problems found” on

a red background. The configuration of the Testhead will be displayed, but no

specific tester resources will be tagged as being at fault as a result of this file’s

analysis. The test ‘TH_config_test’ examines and compares the contents of

the Testhead to the recorded listing in the Registry. If a problem is found with

this test, it cannot be automatically known where the source of the problem is

without further investigation. Therefore, the user should refer to the Tester

Resource Manager (TRMAN) section of this manual to proceed in

troubleshooting this problem.