Configuration data, Baudrate, Msgresptm – ProSoft Technology MVI56-LTQ User Manual
Page 23: Maxslaves, Btrmax

MVI56-LTQ ♦ ControlLogix Platform
Configuring the MVI56-LTQ Module
Limitorque Valve Actuator Master Communication Module
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 23 of 98
August 30, 2010
Configuration Data
This section contains listings of the MVI56-LTQ module’s configuration that is
read from the ControlLogix processor when the module first initializes.
2.3.1 BaudRate
The baud rate at which the port is to operate. The available configurations are as
Baud Rate
1200 Baud
2400 Baud
4800 Baud
9600 Baud *
19200 Baud
38400 Baud
57600 Baud
115200 Baud
* Limitorque Field Unit Factory Default Setting
2.3.2 MsgRespTm
This register represents the message response timeout period in 1 millisecond
increments. This is the time which a port configured as a Master will wait before
re-transmitting a command if no response is received from the addressed slave.
The value is set depending on the expected slave response times.
A value of 200 milliseconds should be the minimal setting. Values from 200 to
65535 (0xffff) are permitted.
2.3.3 MaxSlaves
This value is used by the module to optimize the number of slaves polled by the
module. The value entered here can range from 1 to 150, and should always
meet or exceed the last slave in the Active Slave Table.
2.3.4 BTRMax
This value is not used in the current version of the software.