Mep delay measurement configuration – PLANET MGSD-10080F User Manual
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User’s Manual of MGSD-10080F
MEP Loop Back configuration
'set|clear' is set or clear of DEI of transmitted LBM frame
'prio' is the priority (PCP) of transmitted LBM frame
'uni|multi' is selecting uni-cast or multi-cast transmission of LBM frame
'mac_addr' is the unicast MAC of target MEP/MIP
'mep' is the peer MEP-ID of target MEP - only used if 'mac_addr is 'all zero'
'tosend' is the number of LBM to send
'size' is the size of the LBM data field
'gap' is the gap between LBM.
MEP lb config [
set|clear : OAM DEI set/clear
uni|multi : Destination address is unicast or multicast
enable|disable: enable/disable
MEP Delay Measurement Configuration
MEP Delay Measurement configuration
'prio' is the priority (PCP) of transmitted DM frame
'uni|multi' is selecting uni-cast or multi-cast transmission of DM frame
'mep' is the peer MEP-ID of target MEP - only used if 'uni'
'oneway|twoway' is selecting one-way (1DM) or two-way (DMM) DM
'std|prop' is selecting standadized or proprietary DM. the latest is using off-standard follow-up message carrying the exact
HW transmit timestamp
'rdtrp|flow' is selecting round-trip or flow delay calculation. Round-trip is not using the far-end timestamps to calculate the
far-end residence time
'gap' Gap between transmitting 1DM/DMM PDU - in 10 ms.
'count' number of frames used for average calculation on the latest 'count' frames received